
Mustang Orchestra 

Beginning Orchestra - Grades 6,7,8

For anyone interested in learning Beginning Orchestra, violin, viola, cello, or bass instruments. This class teaches the string family plus Symphony music featuring classical strings. Students desiring to learn a second instrument would select this class as well.

Beginning Orchestra teaches students in grades 6-8. No experience is needed, anyone can join. Students in this group will participate in two formal concerts per year, solo/ensemble contest and a vertical team tradition of "Monster Concert" at Austin HS with the Austin High School Strings. 

Sinfonia Orchestra - Grades 6,7,8

Students will have at least one year of instrumental training before joining this orchestra, by audition only. Students concentrate on learning music in four strands of music fundamentals - pitch, rhythm, tempo, and reading. Students in this group will participate in two formal concerts per year, solo/ensemble contest, a vertical team tradition of "Monster Concert" at Austin HS with the Austin High School Strings, and one recruiting concert to the elementary schools. 

Beginner orchestra students may also try out for this group in the middle of the school year in order to advance. An audition or letter of recommendation from a private lesson teacher is required in order to move up one level.

Chamber Orchestra - Grades 7,8 only

Students will have at least two years of instrumental training before joining this orchestra, by audition only. Students concentrate on learning music in four strands of fundamentals - pitch, rhythm, tempo, and reading. In addition, students will be challenged to learn further complicated music within those four strands. Students in this group will participate in UIL evaluation with the Region, as well as in two formal concerts per year, solo/ensemble contest, a vertical team tradition of "Monster Concert" at Austin HS with the Austin High School Strings, and one recruiting concert to the elementary schools.

Beginner and Sinfonia orchestra students may also try out for this group in the middle of the school year in order to advance. An audition or letter of recommendation from a private lesson teacher is required in order to move up two levels.