
 O. Henry Middle School Parent and Student Handbook

Code of Conduct

Student Expectations


  1. I will regularly attend school since it is critical to my success as a student—and it’s the law!
  1. I will be on time to class, so I can get prepared for the “do now” and lesson.
  1. I will use a backpack to carry my binder and belongings to each class and keep it organized.
  1. I will use my Agenda each day for all classes in order to stay organized.
  1. I am expected to SLANT in each class:

Sit up; Listen; Ask and answer questions; Nod your head; Track the speaker

  1. I understand if I fail to turn in an assignment, I may be assigned a ZAP (Zeros are Prohibited) detention after school to complete the assignment.
  1. If I am struggling academically, I will attend tutorials before, during, or after school.
  1. If I am failing, I understand I may be enrolled in 9th period to improve my grades.
  1. I am expected to maintain a 70 in every class. If I fail any course in a six weeks period, I will lose the privilege to participate in all activities during the following three-week period.
  1. I will do my best in the classroom, because knowledge is power and leads to success!
  2. Dress Code offenses: Student conference, warning, parent contact, change clothes or ISS for the remainder of the day.
  1. I am expected to not chew gum anywhere in the school building— at any time!
  1. If I cause a disruption on the bus and receive a bus referral, the following consequences may occur: warnings, bus suspensions, and/or bus removal for the remainder of the semester.
  1.  Any expression of gang affiliation WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
  1. Cell phones or other electronic devices will be confiscated if they are seen, heard, or used on campus during the school day. Retrieving the confiscated property will cost $15.00, after a minimum three-day waiting period. All items must be picked up by an adult.
  1. I may use a bicycle to travel to and from school, but I will not ride it on campus.
  1. Skateboards are not allowed on campus or the bus. If a skateboard is brought to school, it will be confiscated and must be picked up by an adult.
  1. I will not sell, possess, or consume any illegal substance while on campus. This includes: alcohol, drugs and tobacco products.
  1. I will not take another person’s property. It is a crime and I may be arrested. If I see a theft, or know if somebody has stolen an item, I will report it to the AP, or call CrimeStoppers.

Let's Bully-Proof Our School

  1. If I choose to strike another student on school grounds, I may be immediately removed from school.
  1. If I choose to verbally, physically, or sexually harass another student or students on school grounds, I may receive a referral, BMC, suspension, or expulsion.
  1. If I am having a problem with another student, my choices are the following: 1) ignore the student , 2) kindly, but assertively, address the student at an appropriate time and place. 3) contact an adult.
  1. If I witness any bullying, I will report it immediately to my counselor, AP, or fill out a form and place it in the BULLY BOX.

General Guidelines

  1. I will walk on the right side of the hallway during the passing periods and use an inside voice.