O. Henry Middle School



Library News:

Announcing two exciting library events!


Bookspring Readathon begins January 24 and runs through February 9! The Bookspring Readathon is a service project where Kids Read for Kids!  Students keep a record of their reading (pages or minutes) for the twelve days of the Readathon and find at least one sponsor to pay them money by the page/minute or a lump sum of reading support. Funds go to purchase "forever books" for low-incomes students here in Austin schools. Some of our O. Henry students have been recipients in the past. 


Students may register online now: https://www.bookspringreadathon.org/


Here's a video from our Readathon participants visiting schools here in Austin as book buddies in 2018!  https://animoto.com/play/WYrSe9KO0vGbQuc1asVcCQ


Author Visit!  Rebecca Balcarcel visits O. Henry Cafe at 2 pm on Friday, February 28. Her debut novel, The Other Side of Happy,  tells "Quijana's journey to understand how she fits between two cultures": American and Guatemalan. "Authentic and relatable to readers of all backgrounds. A beautiful coming-of-age story."


We partner with BookPeople (6th and Lamar) to bring these authors into our schools for free. We ask only that you consider buying a copy for your child or to donate. Ordering details to follow. 

For more information on the book and author, go to: http://rebeccabalcarcel.com