Be The Change: Attendance Campaign and Slogan Contest

Dear Families,

As spring break approaches, we’d like to wish you and your family a happy and safe break from classes March 11-March 15.

As you prepare for rest and travel, ensure plans allow for your student to return to school the first day back, Monday, March 18th. If you know your student will be returning to campus after Monday, March 18th, please communicate with your campus by Thursday, March 7 to create an attendance plan for your student.

For any school district that experiences a large number of students who choose to miss a day of school beyond the school holiday, there will be less available funds allocated for school functions or personnel that we know are important to you and your children.

Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers. Thank you for your shared commitment to your student’s success!


O. Henry M.S.

Student Poster and Slogan Contest

Submissions accepted February 9–March 22.

Fill out the contest submission form to apply >

Contest Details

Austin Independent School District is calling on all individual students to create an original poster design for the 2024-25 Attendance Campaign! Submissions should center the theme “Everyone Matters'' to showcase that each student brings a valued presence needed every day in school. Let your creativity shine as you encourage your fellow students to come to class every day! Two elementary winners and two secondary winners will be announced April 1st, 2024. Artwork from all four winners will be shared across district campuses and social media sites as part of AISD’s 24-25 Attendance Campaign!

Eligibility & Criteria

  • All AISD students are eligible to participate.
  • Submissions must be entered by individual students.
  • Art work may be in physical or digital format. Any media may be used, including paint, crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, stickers, paper, or other materials.
  • The poster size must be at minimum 8" x 11".
  • Although younger students may receive help in planning from parents or teachers, each student is encouraged to do their own work. Note: Entries with student handwriting and coloring will score better than those designed, drawn, and colored by adult assistance.
  • Designs will be judged on how well they address the theme and student creativity.


Submission Information

  • Submissions accepted February 9-March 22*
  • Fill out the contest submission form to apply
  • *Early submissions received by March 1 are entered into drawing for an opportunity to collaborate with artist and activist SaulPaul!
  • Winner announced April 1
  • Include student name, school name, grade, and homeroom teacher
  • Submissions are via Google Form; art teachers please help your students to submit


See links below for more information about the importance of attending school every day.

Links include statistics, strategies and tips for improving and maintaining regular attendance.


All entries become the property of AISD. Entry in the contest constitutes full permission to publish names and photos of winners.

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